Frequently asked questions


What time does the Wine Wander start?

The event itself runs from 1pm to 5pm but remember that, before you Wander, you’ll need to register at the Bunbury Regional Entertainment Centre and collect your wristband and glass - check in will be available from 11am until 1pm.


will I need money?

Your wristband ticket will grant you access to the venues and the tastings offered there - if you would like to purchase food or snacks along the way (and let’s be honest, why wouldn’t you!) you’ll need cash or card at the venue.

Will there be tour guides for the event?

The Wine Wander is a self-guided walking tour, so you’ll be given a handy map to follow! But our host venues and featured wineries will also be clued up on event info and should be able to help with any questions you have along the way.


Will I need my ID?

Yes! Venues and vendors reserve the right to confirm you are of legal drinking age at any time, so bring a suitable form of ID!

Is this event suitable for kids to come along?

As all of the venues on your journey are licensed and will be serving alcohol, it’s recommended that the kids sit this one out. This is a fun afternoon out for the “grown ups”, shall we say - better book your trusted babysitter ASAP!


Is the glass supplied?

It sure is! Upon registering, you’ll receive a special Bunbury Wine Wander non-breakable glass to carry to each tasting. You’ll just have to be sure you FINISH your tasting before you leave a venue - street drinking is still a no-no, folks!


If you have any other questions and can’t find the answer above, click here to contact us!